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Monday, 26 August 2013

Where I Found God

Birch Bay ranch, Is simply and most importantly, the place where I was introduced to God. I was 18 and assumed I had everything in life figured out. However, after spending my first week as staff working at the ranch in the summer of 2011 I knew I had much to learn. Birch Bay for me, is my home. And I am positive many would feel the same way.

Birch Bay is truly the place where I feel I belong now; It’s a place of comfort and adventure, all of which are due to the strong presence of God that greets you each and every time you set foot on property. Being a non-Christian for most of my life I was truly amazed at the amount of love one place had to offer. Truth be told I could go on for hours about how much the ranch has changed me and affected my life, but I’ll keep it simple. I had no idea what Christianity was until I came to the ranch. I soon learned and I became a Christian at the ranch, and believe me, as an 18 year old male it was an extremely tough decision, but it’s one decision I am still overwhelmingly proud of.

Birch Bay Ranch is home for me, it Is the place where I found God, and it’s the place I grow with and experience Him every day I am there. 

Bradon Pihowich


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