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Sunday, 25 August 2013

I Love Birch Bay Ranch

I heard about Birch Bay Ranch through my best friend and we went to a week of teen camp last summer together. I expected it to be like a typical summer camp, long days, not connecting with the staff and drama with the other teens. But I have never been so wrong! 

The staff were so amazing and involved, the days flew by packed with new adventures, and the other kids were all so accepting and willing to worship and participate, I made some friends that I'm still connected with today. My cabin leader gave each girl in our cabin a notebook and we could write in it asking her questions about God, Christianity, anything! It was really cool to be able to connect with my cabin leader this way, she answered my questions honestly and with impacting passages from the Bible. I still have this notebook and continue to answer my own questions with the things I continue to learn at the Ranch. 

After that one week as a camper I was hooked. My week at Birch Bay as a camper had an immense impact on my faith, I felt so incredibly connected to God it was crazy! When my my best friend told me she wanted to volunteer to work there this summer I was so excited to fill out my application! I honestly had the best summer ever spending 3 weeks at Birch Bay Ranch, I really wish I'd done more weeks! 

The Ranch is the only place I have found that allows me to connect with God through nature and my work, it's so cool to watch the kids grow in their faith throughout the week. I made so many true friends in my short time there and grew immensely closer to God. I am definitely signing up to work in the fall and next summer! If worse comes to worse and Birch Bay's gates really do close one day, I know that we will always be here for each other like a giant, crazy second family. 

I love Birch Bay Ranch so much. 

-Eira Dahms

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