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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Life Line to Teenagers

My mother and myself have both worked at Birch Bay.  We both agree that the ranch offer a unique opportunity to influence children in a positive way.  The ministry of the church is an excellent way to influence the lives of many, however camp offer an invaluable opportunity to show children the light of God very early in their lives. The unique challenges of the ranch offer children an opportunity to grow in their faith life in ways a regular ministry could not provide.

Birch bay has also influenced the lives of the staff in a positive and irreversible manner. The ranch offers a safety net to those who face the challenges of teenage life.  Whether an individual is tempted, or has fallen prey to the evils of the world, the ranch accepts them with open arm, and provides a community in which people can find God and gather the strength to say no. I understand that churches and youth ministries can also accomplish this goal, however the ranch offers a longer lasting period in which one can turn their life around. Instead of spending one night a week at a church group, the ranch allows one to spend weeks to gather their strength, build friendships, and realize that they are strong enough to face whatever challenges approach them.  In conclusion the ranch provides a institute that does not only help children, but provides a key life line to teenagers who are in an extremely vulnerable spot in their lives. I know little of the details of this issue, but what I do know is that Birch Bay changes lives, and I sincerely hope that it can continue to do this for years to come, regardless of who owns the property. I pray that God will guide the ones who will make this decision.

Nathan Olson


  1. Nathan, that is beautiful. Thank you so much for supporting BBR. Your passion is inspiring!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
