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Saturday, 31 August 2013

A Path Revealed

Hi my name is Katherine Burnett and I have had both the pleasure and the honor of becoming a part of the Birch Bay Ranch family. Starting at the young age of 8 a young girl who wanted nothing more than to follow in her sister’s footsteps I followed them right to the gates of Birch Bay Ranch. And as her sister moved on to other things this young girl found her own path and a life to live where she was surrounded by the light and the love of the Lord.  I never grew up in a very religious household and rarely attended church, the opportunity to come to Birch Bay once and sometimes twice a year has allowed me to grow as a person: and I can honestly say that if it were not for Birch Bay I shudder at the thought of the path I might have gone down. 

You might have noticed that earlier I mentioned the Birch Bay “Family”. That is because that is exactly what we are. Once I became too old to be a camper I stubbornly refused to leave and then became a counselor. As a counselor I discovered that the sense of belonging I had felt as a camper was not uncommon. The staff of Birch Bay Ranch, both past and present, share a bond of friendship and love that can never be broken. It is a place I had hoped to share with my cousin in the future and hope to still be able to. To one day go there and see the difference we as staff can make for the future generation.

Birch Bay was not just a place I came to learn about God, but also a place where I could have fun. Many enter the camp expecting the typical run of the mill camp. But Birch Bay has gone above and beyond the norm. There I learned to climb walls and to repel myself out of a tower; I also learned to overcome my fear of horses and had the privilege of working as horse staff this past summer.

Birch Bay Ranch for all intents and purposes is a camp. But as I sit here writing this I reminisce on everything it means to me and the ones I call family. A place I have always felt safe. Every moment is a guaranteed laugh. Walking into main lodge and being bombarded by the memories that have paved the path to where I am today. To those who have ever been to Birch Bay, both past and present, I say this: The path home leads to Birch Bay Ranch.


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