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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Birch Bay Ranch Goes to Mexico!

I have to say Birch Bay has changed my life and so many others. I am 28 years old and when I was young I was a camper at Birch Bay. When I was in high school I became a camp counsellor. I saw many drime performances done at Birch Bay that it touched my heart. Threw music and action it can change people's life's.

At my high school that year we where going on a mission trip to Mexico to share Gods love to the locals and an orphanage. I learned those drimes that I saw at Birch Bay and I shared them to my group and we performed them to 100's of people in Mexico.  Even though they did not speak English the music and the actions in the song, people where responding giving there life to the Lord.

We NEED Birch Bay Ranch to keep open and to do Gods work.

Thank you Birch Bay for changing my life and so many others.

Melody Fradsham

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