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Monday, 26 August 2013

Being a Witness

I have always found it difficult to discuss what is closest to my heart, not because I can’t or a I won’t, but for the simple reason that I am terrible at it. I can never seem to find the words to convey how important something is to me.  I need a personal story to tell but I have so many! I will just stick to basics then and in continuation with this Summer’s theme of Growth, that is the personal story I will talk about.

I grew up in a Christian home; I asked Christ into my heart at a very early age, I was probably about 5 or 6.   At that time I had no notion of what it meant to ‘witness’ to others, I asked Christ into my heart because I was fascinated by the stories and I thought that if God can do that for people hundreds of years ago, what could he do now?

My first years at Birch Bay Ranch taught me exactly what it means to witness.  After hearing the staff tell their stories, and learning more about the Bible stories, each year learning new things from them.  I decided to become staff myself and oh my what a change!  The community was so loving and it was safe for me to witness to children. The staff above me and in the years following those staff who were junior to myself, have taught me so much about what it means to be a Christian. Not just in words, but in deeds. I have made life long friends, helped grow in the kingdom of God and felt the peace that passes understanding down in my heart.

On top of everything else I have had the great honour to show the love of Christ to everyone who enters through the gates of Birch Bay.   That is the most exciting part for me, sharing the love of Christ with strangers and seeing their eyes tear up as they understand that despite their feelings of inadequacy or bitterness there is a God who loves them  and will carry them through.

That is my personal story in a nutshell. I thank God for Birch Bay Ranch and the fantastic memories and relationships that have been created there.

Jasmine Boonstra

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jasmine,

    Not sure if you remember me, my name is Lindsay and we went to school together at Brentwood. I found this story you posted online, and I just wanted to say thank you. To know that someone I grew up with is doing so well and is content with life and who they are, means a lot to me. A lot of the people we knew aren't as lucky. Just wanted to say that you are looking good, and it's great to hear you are doing so well. Keep the faith, good luck and all the best to you in the future.

    Take care,

    Lindsay L
