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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

From a Parent of a Staff Member

Has God been working through Birch Bay Ranch Camp??? I would say an unequivocal ‘YES’.  My daughter has been working there for 2 spring and summers.  

God has used Birch Bay to grow Becky in amazing ways.  He has affirmed her vocation of teaching Elementary School.  He has given her grace to handle difficult situations.  He has allowed her to grow as a leader with a heart to see kids know Jesus for themselves.  The directors and other staff at Birch Bay have mentored, guided, taught, given her opportunities to lead, make mistakes and grow from them.  

And you can’t forget the horses… I don’t know why but horses soften hearts and reach kids in a special way.  Every time I pick her up, I can’t wait to hear the stories of how God has been at work not only in her life but in the kids.  Every time I drop her off, I pray for the camp and God’s blessings on it.  I pray for strength, courage, safety and wisdom for the leaders and open hearts for the campers because it is to God’s glory that the camp operates every day and every week.

Thank you,

Janice Parsons

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