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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Three Generations at Birch Bay Ranch

I wouldn't exist if it weren't for BBR. You see, my mum didn't grow up in a Christian family, and when she was 12 she camped at BBR and met Jesus. BBR hooked her up with a local church youth group and she met my dad. My dad wouldn't have married a non-Christian (nor even have met my mum). I wouldn't have been born.

I got the privalige of camping at BBR and having a amazing time-including learning more about Jesus...I got to see many of my camp-mates meet Jesus of the first time or ask questions about the man they had only heard of once or twice. I chatted with staff who knew my mum from back when.

When I turned 14 I came as a staff member and got absolutely hooked. I learned that God had a special place in this world for LOUD and energetic people. I loved every moment sitting on the floor with girls whom now, 12 years later, I still chat with and mentor. I learned to dig into the Word. I learned to take some quiet time for God. I watched a few people who had wretched lives be made whole again. I learned how to resolve conflict. I learned how to work. On no sleep, to boot. I learned that cowboy boots rock. I learned that having lunch 50 ft in the air is nice. I learned to wear sunscreen and to drink water. I learned that my parents weren't really that crazy. I got to talk to kids about the importance of team playing, even when you are the team member who gets to unplug toilets.

I also met my husband there. So many people met their future spouses at BBR.  My husband came to BBR thinking that the world wouldn't miss him if he disapeared and he left knowing that he was an amazing man of God...but that's his story.

I worked at BBR for 5 summers and some of the off season.

Darren and I have 3 kids...who are proof of 3 generations of God's goodness through BBR. It wretches my heart to think they might not have the memories I had.

Just earlier this month I had a girl stop me in Londonderry mall and thank me profusely for being her buddy. She had found her step-dad's porn stache before coming to camp. I had been a part of changing her life.

BBR changed my life and gave me an opportunity to change the lives of so many.

- Rachel Maskowitz

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