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Monday, 26 August 2013

He Loves Me

Birch Bay Ranch holds many memories for me! Twenty years ago I came out knowing about God but not knowing Him. BBR showed me and taught me what He was all about, but above all, the people at the camp loved me like He loves me!

I came out to teach young children but learned so much more instead!

Over the years I saw kids come out broken and lost to leave a week later filled up, encouraged and FOUND! BBR is a safe place for kids, from ANY walk of life, to come to and hear about God's love for them. To learn about the gift of Jesus' saving Grace and then grow in the Spirit! Birch Bay Ranch IS a ministry in our own backyard!

I remember, years ago, going to Central so the church could pray over our mission team at the beginning of each summer. After it was all done we went back to the church to share our stories and, again, PRAY!  It is NEEDED!! I wish there was a place like this for every 100km radius throughout Alberta!

I attended as a young staff, my children have attended as campers and are now looking forward to their chance to pass on the stories of Jesus to another generation of campers!

I pray that ALL the people involved in this process are guided by wisdom and discernment that is given by the Spirit of Christ our Lord!

Rebecca Balkwill

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