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Sunday, 25 August 2013

A New Way to Reach God

In the week that I spent at Birch Bay Ranch I got so much closer to God in a very new way. I had been so used to standing, then sitting and repeating the same words at church on Sundays, so the first time we had chapel, my eyes were opened and shown a new way to reach God. I loved the way the staff shared their own experiences with God because it made it feel a little more personal, and the way that they taught us about the bible with the social media ideas was such a different yet fun way to learn.

The overall feeling from the camp was so loving, because the staff were so tight knit with each other and it radiated love to the campers to share with each other. I had such an amazing time at Birch Bay and it changed me and showed me the love that God truly has for us. The camp inspired me so much that I was getting emotional on the way home, and when I saw the post on Facebook my heart dropped. My friend and I were already planning on applying when we were older.

-Odessa Bahri

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