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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Many Opportunities

When I was ten years old, my Mom gave me the opportunity to go to Birch Bay Ranch for their Open House. I said no, and we went anyway. Ever since that day Birch Bay has given me nothing but opportunities – opportunities I wouldn’t have had anywhere else.   

It was where I learned to work on the ropes course, and was eventually the Ropes Course Coordinator. It was where I learned about horses, how to teach riding lessons and eventually to drive the team of draft horses that pulls the hay wagon. Once I didn’t kill anyone any of those places, I taught canoeing and archery, and participated in countless skits. I learned how to play the guitar and how to lead worship. I learned how to drive a tractor. I ended up working on every area of the Ranch, eventually returning last year to work year-round on Maintenance.

I learned all of these skills in one place, surrounded by a nurturing community of like-minded individuals. This is part of what makes Birch Bay so unique. I can’t think of any place that would provide me with so many different opportunities and see to my personal and spiritual growth at the same time. It is a place where people come together and have the opportunity to be a witness for God and show love to others in an active, real way. When you give to Birch Bay, it enriches you, giving you the skills and resources to pour back into it. I am thankful for all it has given me.

Eric Barker

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