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Saturday, 31 August 2013

Rich Environment

I heard about Birch Bay Ranch through a friend. As she shared stories about her experiences there, I appreciated that a facility like this existed and promoted such a rich environment for people in our community; not just take in the Lords teaching but to experience outdoor adventure activities that this ranch provides.

I was asked about possibly contributing a silent auction item from the company I work with for their fundraiser this year. My company was unable to provide one, so I decided to personally make a donation for BBR. I thought a place that provides such a great culture should be given a contribution to help sustain its goals. As far as I know the silent auction was a success. Soon after the fundraiser, I got to see Birch Bay Ranch for myself. I was invited to see the ranch, thinking I wouldn't mind petting a horse or two, but to my surprise I was invited for a ride a horse through BBR land!  It was a very enjoyable and a fantastic experience.

It was my first time riding and will not be my last. My prayers go out for Birch Bay Ranch. I hope that the means will come together to keep what I believe is a great place going for many others to enjoy and be encouraged by.

My hopes and prayers go out to all.

Jason Sullivan

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