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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Investments for the Kingdom

Birch Bay Ranch holds a special place in the hearts of countless people. Though I spent many of my childhood summers there as a camper, I was also blessed enough to live there for a time. In addition to this, two of my best and oldest friends grew up on the ranch, making Birch Bay a place I frequented on a nearly constant basis.

The beautiful thing about Birch Bay however, was not just that I had grown to love it, but the fact that Birch Bay loved me, and the countless other children who passed through its gates every year. Visitors can feel the love of Christ the moment they step onto the property - a feeling that many who visit experience for the first time in their lives.

Over the years, the accessibility to the ranch has given thousands of children a chance to experience God in the most beautiful and inoffensive surroundings. While the Church itself tries its best to be welcoming, it can be incredibly intimidating for most who are unfamiliar with the gospel. But the ranch has proved its worth countless times by bringing lost children into their Fathers kingdom. The beautiful thing about the Birch Bay Ranch ministry is that to us, it seems humble with its back-woods atmosphere and old wood buildings. But in reality, in the eyes of our Saviour, it is one of the most precious and valuable branches of His ministry. (1 Peter 5:2-3)

No value can be placed on the eternal life, but if it could, Birch Bay would be one of the best investments one could make for the Kingdom. It provides exposure to the Gospel through some of the best summer camp experiences a child could hope for, and the best part is, is that when a parent send their child for a week away at camp, they could in fact be unknowingly sending their child into the safety of the Kingdom.

For generations now, Birch Bay has been giving children an opportunity to grow spiritually. My grandfather helped clear the land when it was first gifted to Central Church; my mom spent countless summers attending as a child; I essentially grew up on the grounds; and I pray that I will not be robbed of the chance to continue my family's legacy at Birch Bay, for one day send my own children there as I know that they will learn things there that not even a church could teach them. They will learn how to minister, they will learn how to encourage others, and by God's grace they will send their own children to Birch Bay one day. Because the value of the ranch is not in dollars and cents, it was not given freely by one generous man for financial gain, but it is valued by God in the utmost (Matthew 6:21). And to rob Him of a successful ministry would be one of the most disappointing things I can think of.

God bless you, and all decisions regarding Birch Bay!

Sincerely, Keltie Demchuk

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