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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Relationship with Jesus

For so many years Birch Bay Ranch was like a second home to me.  I started going as a camper and then became staff for a total of about 14 years.  I don't really remember my childhood very well but what I do remember all involves Birch Bay.  I didn't know much about God until I got to birch bay.  It took me awhile to understand what being a christian meant but when I was 13 at my first teen camp i remember one night we had all gone in the gym and there was a few speakers.  At the end one of the speakers asked everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes and asked if there is anyone that wants to have a relationship with Jesus to raise their hands and someone will come and pray with you.  So at that moment I knew that I had wanted to have a relationship with Jesus.  I raised my hand and someone came over and we prayed together.  By the time everyone was done mostly everyone was crying in joy that they started a new journey for themselves.  It was a very powerful night that was filled with love and the presence God.

I became staff at 14 only worked a couple weeks every summer until I was 16 then i started working the whole summer.  I made many friends along the way.  Like many other people I met my husband at Birch Bay.  His sister started working one fall and we became very good friends and then the next summer she brought her 2 brothers and that's when I met my husband to be.  We have 2 children and I had always dreamed of them going to camp one day and having the same experiences that i once did.  It saddens me that they may not have that opportunity. 

- Cassie Stanley

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