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Sunday, 25 August 2013

I Met Jesus

I remember singing “I love you Jesus” on my way home from my first week of summer camp at Birch Bay Ranch when I was 10 years old. It was one of the songs we sang at campfire throughout the week, a catchy song that helped the staff introduce Jesus to me. Though I had known of Jesus before then, I truly had no idea what he did or how he loved me. I returned as a camper a few years later to attend teen camp and I still regard it as one of the best weeks of my life.

The passion I developed for this camp was overwhelming; we sang songs about reading the bible, my cabin leaders told us stories about Jesus, I heard testimonies from the staff, and it was at this camp that I decided to open my heart and start a relationship with Jesus. It was after campfire, we had heard the speaker tell us their testimony while watching the sunset over the water. I was standing on the deck of cabin 9 listening to the trees around me and I asked God to be in my life. The staff had made it so clear of what being a Christian meant, and I knew I wanted to be apart of it.

The connections I made to other campers and my cabin leaders was so strong that after I later returned as a staff member. On my first summer as staff I signed on for 3 weeks, and it turned into 6. The next year I did all 8. The year after that I worked for 4 months and was a program coordinator. This camp is truly my second home, and I am always excited to return. I met Jesus there. I grow every week I work there. The staff are my community, and I lean on them always for encouragement, support, and joy.


Each year of school I struggle to dedicate myself to God and to make time for serving and praising. Birch Bay Ranch is where I go to connect again with God and fuel my passion for praising Him. Not only do I relearn each year how much I need a relationship with God, but I get the opportunity to show youth how great and amazing and wonderful it is to have God in their lives. God is so good, and I thank Him always for Birch Bay Ranch and how it has guided me in my faith. Birch Bay Ranch is my church, it is my summer home, it is where I go to praise Him, worship Him, and serve.

It is responsible for shaping me into who I am today, and responsible for introducing me to incredible friends. Please know that I am extremely thankful for Birch Bay Ranch and the services it has provided and I pray it can continue to provide positive life change, as it has done for me.

Laura Jenkins

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