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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Complete Joy

Birch Bay Ranch is the most significant part of my life and heart. 

The last two years I've had the privilege and responsibility as program coordinator at BBR. At the ranch we have a unique opportunity to share the word of God in incredible ways. The stories shared already on this blog are a testament to that. 

A question that the staff are often challenged with is "what is a room full of Christians thankful for?" This word seems most fitting, "thankful". I am thankful for Birch Bay Ranch. I am thankful that it is God's ranch, I am thankful for the impact He has had on the lives of the campers, staff, volunteers and those who have entered through the ranch gates. I am thankful that He is good all the time

When I went through a difficult time that was not good for anyone involved I was left feeling unloved, hurt and abandoned by people I thought were suppose to always love me no matter what. Because of the many years spent at BBR and the experiences and relationships built there I knew that God is good and that His love is greater. I knew at BBR I would be safe and above all else be loved

I am so thankful to be a part of the change in people when they decide to give their lives to God. I've seen past campers and staff continue to grow in understanding and faith and become beautiful loving followers of Christ. Birch Bay Ranch is my home, where I find complete joy, and where I continue to experience Gods love in those who come to the ranch and in myself. 

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."  1 John 4:7

Jordan Lucas

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