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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Unconditional Love

Even though I have known about the situation facing Birch Bay Ranch for a little while now, it has taken me some time to process it and put my thoughts on paper. Birch Bay Ranch has been an integral part of my life for 28 do I put that into words?

It all began when I was a very shy 14 year old, and a family friend said one night, "Hey, you should check out this camp I was at, they have horses!" I have never looked back. I spent one week as a camper, and asked to come back as staff for junior camp, and, well, they just can't get rid of me! I was back every summer of high school as well as after. We were there the year my husband and I got married, came to help teach riding lessons with a newborn in a snugglie, and eventually came back with our 4 young children. Our 5th was born while we lived at BBR, and all of our children still consider Birch Bay their  home, even though we are no longer living at the ranch. This summer 3 of our 5 were on staff the same week!As our children have grown up, each one has been blessed and challenged in so many ways. Not to mention the countless ways that I personally have been blessed and challenged.

Like I wrote in the beginning, I was a VERY shy young lady, with very little confidence. During that first summer out at Birch Bay, with the support and encouragement of the staff, I began to understand how valued and loved I was by people other than my immediate family. How can you be around all those campers looking to you for guidance and not grow yourself? I learned to search for answers to questions I had about God and to stand firm in my faith when challenged. Faith and prayer became a daily habit, and this has continued throughout my life. I learned how to face new situations with courage and integrity, work hard at everything that was put before me, and above all, learned to love sharing the Love of God with others. I truly believe that had I not had the privilege of serving at Birch Bay Ranch, my life would be quite different. My role at Birch Bay Ranch has changed many times over the years, but one thing remains the same: the goal of sharing the love of God with all who enter the ranch, whether as camper, staff or off season guest.
I pray that those making the decisions regarding the future of Birch Bay Ranch would realize that a place like this is greatly needed for today's society as well. There are many more shy, insecure young people out there that just need to know that someone cares. Birch Bay Ranch is a place for those that are in need of encouragement, acceptance and most of all, The Unconditional Acceptance of the ONE who Loves them the Most. Some may not see Birch Bay Ranch as a Mission field in the traditional sense of the word, but it Truly is a Mission  Field - right in Edmonton's backyard! 
Coralee Mercer 


  1. On south cooking lake, 25 minutes east of sherwood park
