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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Staff, Camper, Family

I think back to all the years that Birch Bay Ranch has been around and I stop and wonder just how many people and lives we have changed because of it. Birch Bay Ranch has always been there when I want a little fun or even for some get together with my family, and now on top of all that It is now a job.

Now working here is unlike working anywhere else here you get to see hundreds of smiling kids faces everyday, you get to see those smiling kids faces doing all sorts of things like maybe riding horses around practicing for the riding demonstration to show their parents. Or flying past on the zip lines or even climbing a 60 ft wall. You get to see those smiling kids eat and play and just have a great time and I find one of the most gratifying feelings ever is those smiling kids are smiling...because of what we do.

There is always a presence of love and hope at Birch Bay Ranch. People who have suffered or are suffering through severe circumstances will always feel welcomed and loved when they are here. When I am there I feel so safe, safe from physical and mental harm. When I am there I know everyone and everyone knows me, we all love each other and treat each other as we would want to be treated.

The campers are not the only ones who experience changing or growth while they are there. The staff there all have grew there, they may not have grown up there but they have grown. Grown in faith to our lord and king knowing that he is there no matter what they go through no matter what they have done and no matter what they will do. The staff you find there are not like any staff you will find anywhere else, a large part of that is because we are family there. We work and act as a team not individual work, we help each other out and we embrace those who are not having the best of days.

If Birch Bay Ranch closed down not only mine but everyone who has ever been there will be affected so much in a very negative way. Birch Bay Ranch is a home away from home, It is a place where you can be yourself with no one judging. Many of the kids we get each summer has gone through some dramatic things in their lives, many of their parents have divorced or are split and no kid should have to deal with that...especially alone. That's one of the reasons Birch Bay Ranch is so important because if life is tough for you, you can always come here and you will receive open arms. The kids we get every week are so much alike but in the same way so different, working all summer you almost never get the same question asked twice.

Every week I see God's hand at work in kids lives whether it's a fear or something they struggle with or maybe even an emotional scar that has never been able to heal until now. When you drive onto property and you see all the staff and kids and what we do there you can feel God's hand at work there, whether your looking at campfire speeches or even swimming in the pool, you can not be of a sane mind and say God's hand is not at work.

Sincerely - 
Jared Pearse - Staff, Camper, Family

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