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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

What is the Heart of Birch Bay Ranch?

I have spent a great deal of time over the last few days remembering my time at BBR. I spent a decade at the ranch and didn't realize how much the experiences out there shaped who I am today. The memories have flooded back as I looked at old photos and I am overwhelmed by the immense impact this ministry has had.

Thousands of lives changed by the power of God revealed through the ordinary people who gave of themselves. I only have to look at my Facebook Friends to see the incredible impact made by campers who stayed in a personal relationship and allowed God to live in them. They are leaders in our communities, evangelists, teachers, parents, missionaries and have impacted the kingdom around the world.

I remember being in the shower one morning and my dad barged in and informed me that the head cook had a nervous breakdown and quit and I was the new cook! Well, it was time to let God work in me and through me there but for the grace of God! I had good times and bad times but they all shaped me and made me stronger. I met my first love at the ranch and my first child was born while I was out there. I forged great friendships that have lasted through the years!

I got to thinking what is the heart of Birch Bay Ranch? The heart of Birch Bay is the thousands of campers, staff, volunteers who have been touched by this ministry. The Heart of Birch Bay is beating loud and it grows stronger every minute. Birch Bay Ranch is God's ministry it doesn't belong to a church or an association it was built by the blood, sweat and tears of thousands of Christians who gave of themselves.

Sam Mcaughey had a vision to see children come to Christ through a camp experience and God used him and Birch Bay Ranch was born. Pray for wisdom as the future of this vital ministry is discussed over the next few weeks.

Mike Carson

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