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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Closer to God

I remember as a kid coming to this camp for the first time. I was scared. The first day, I didn't have any friends and didn't know what to think, until the next morning at chapel. We all got together and belted out these heartwarming lyrics to catchy songs, and I felt as if my cabin and I were one.

I started counting down blocks until horses, ropes, or campfire came up. Every year I would come back, excited for the next activity, knowing great people would host awesome games that would make me feel good. I still remember the moment talking to a staff member when I was 13 and realized I could become staff!

This past year at Birch Bay was so great, and I feel closer to God because of it. I couldn't be more pleased with everything about Birch Bay and I would be filled with sorrow if I couldn't come back next year because it was closed.

Nathan Woroschuk

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