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Thursday, 12 September 2013

Making a Difference

My story with Birch Bay began when I came out for a visit during their Annual Open House. I had always hoped to attend camp like other kids, but unfortunately this was not always possible. It was at this open house that I was introduced to Darryl, who agreed to put me to work!

It was such a memorable experience, that I came back for several more seasons! Over my summers spent there, it really solidified in me the desire to work with children and teens. Years later, I continue to work with children and teens, and have a Bachelor of Social Work.

What Birch Bay Ranch taught me is that even if we only have a moment (or a week) to make a difference in someones life, it is in me to do so. Through kindness, or service, we can be Jesus to each person, and it can change lives!

Tanya Pohl

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