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Saturday, 7 September 2013

God is Working at Birch Bay Ranch

I've been slow to write this story but it has been heavy on my mind since I first was asked to share my experience of Birch Bay a few weeks ago.  It is difficult to quantify what BBR has meant to me but I am absolutely certain that life is different because of it.

I came to camp as a Christian when I was 11.  That first week of camp I encountered God so much more deeply and so much more richly than I had ever thought possible.  Every year after that I eagerly looked forward to my week of camp because I knew I would find something new.  Over 15 years I have found a deeper understanding of God's Word; I have found a more intimate touch of God's love; I have found a greater certainty of God's authority; and I have found a greater confidence to share His truth with people around me.

God works through people and every summer Birch Bay Ranch gathers people who are filled with a desire to share His love.  They are gathered in that place for that great purpose and God works amazing things through those people.  I am blessed to have received that love as a camper and even more greatly blessed to have been able to share that love with others when I worked as a counselor.  It's hard to see myself change but I know its there. I know I'm not the only one whose life has been changed because I have watched so many people "encounter God and experience positive life change". I have seen young boys grow up from campers to counselors to strong Men of God.  I have seen young girls grow up to be beautiful Women of Faith.
This is how I know that God is working at Birch Bay Ranch.

Nathan Maskowitz

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