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Monday, 2 September 2013

Starting in 1975

In 1975 I found the address for Birch Bay Ranch in the phone book because I wanted to work at a camp and my Mom had heard about it through some means.  The application that came in response to the letter I wrote asked some questions.

Name?  I knew that.

Address?  I knew that.

How long have you been a Christian?  I asked my Mom.  "How long have I been a Christian?" "All your life."  I filled that in.

Church you attend?  I left that blank.

Pastor's name?  "What's a pastor?"  Mom answered, "I think it's like a minister."  I left that blank too.

Long story short, I went out to work in the kitchen, heard the gospel and decided to follow Jesus.  A total of six summers spent at the ranch in a variety of roles followed.  Along the way I thought Bible College sounded like a good idea.  After graduation I moved to Ontario to work another ranch ministry full time for a couple of years, followed by church ministry for many years and now am serving as a chaplain to women that have been in prison.

Birch Bay Ranch was the place that shared the good news and provided the community that played a large part in my early formative years of discipleship.  Opportunities to serve and lead at the ranch foreshadowed how I would spend my ministry life.  Relationships forged working alongside others in carrying out the mission of the ranch continue to be a source of great joy. I am indebted to those that visioned and worked and sacrificed to see BBR become a reality.  Thanks for the opportunity to tell my story.

Debbie (Devlin) Fawcett (Rev)

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