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Saturday, 7 September 2013

From "Ranch Grandparents"

We were dismayed and saddened to hear that the future of Birch Bay Ranch Camp is in jeopardy. We are grandparents of Becky Parsons, one of the leaders there for the past two years. We’ve been out to the camp a few times and were happy to see such wonderful facilities for a Christian summer camp. We know there are many summer camps, but Birch Bay is very unique with its horses, zip line, rope climbing, etc. for the campers’ use. They have a wonderful cook that keeps stomachs full and kids happy! And those are only the physical aspects.

We have observed the impact that two summers there have had in Becky’s life. She has developed spiritually, as well as leadership skills and horsemanship. Her growing interest in and love for children has reinforced her career goal of elementary school teaching. And we’ve been thrilled to hear that boys and girls have accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Lord while at camp. We know that these children don’t all come from Christian home, so they will have an impact at home for years to come.

So we want to verbalize our deep desire to see the very productive ministry of Birch Bay Ranch Camp continue. It seems to have been the desire of those who donated money for its land to ensure that this ministry continue indefinitely. We certainly feel that their wish should be honored. We are praying that the meeting on Tuesday evening will ratify the ownership of the site for camping purposes.

Sincerely yours,
Brian & Doris Fargher

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