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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

For Generations to Come

I was about 14 and invited out to a teen retreat in february, my dad allowed me to attend and I had an amazing time, I dedicated my life that weekend. That summer and every summer for the next 5 years I was there teaching vaulting and horseback riding and I know that my life would have taken a very different turn if I hadn't spent my summers there, my final summer at BBR, was actually only 2 weeks as I prepared to leave an abusive husband with my 2 daughters who were 6 mths and 18mths at the time. I couldn't leave the one place that had made me feel safe and protected without at least saying goodbye. 

I now live in Ontario, those 2 daughter are now 14, and 13, and have many siblings. I want to bring them for visit as they hear so much about my summers at BBR and the positive experience it was for me. My oldest still looks through my albums and is always drawn to the photos of Fernando allowing campers the ability to stand and do other stunts on his back. 

Wonderful memories. I pray daily that the Ranch that has been there for so many children and teens continues to be there for generations to come. 

Kat Francey

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