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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Bands & Bids: A Concert & Silent Auction Fundraiser for Birch Bay Ranch

You're invited to the second annual Bands & Bids on Thursday, May 8th at the Strathcona County Community Centre Agora in Sherwood Park!

The concert will be headlined by Darryl Fraess & Cross Country and feature special guests The Introverts. Other special performing guests are to be announced. So far, we have some fun items for the silent auction and we think there will be something for everyone!

This event is an important fundraiser for Birch Bay Ranch. Funds raised will allow kids who can't afford it to come to camp this summer, and will help the Ranch create the best possible program for them when they get here! It is always our goal to see as many kids come to camp as possible, and for them to encounter God and experience positive life. Will you help?

You can help us out by attending the event, bidding on some sweet items, enjoying free refreshments, and re-connecting with old friends and BBR Alumni!

Another way you can get involved: Birch Bay Ranch is still in need of auction item donations -- if you or someone you know has anything to donate, please email right away!